The normal lens of the eye gradually becomes denser as you get older, which can result in a blurring of the vision. This is the common type of cataract (nuclear sclerosis) that occurs with age, and may result in the patient becoming a little short sighted, with a resulting need for a change in the spectacle prescription. Other types of Cataract at the front of the lens or at the back of the lens (anterior or posterior sub-capsular cataracts) can also occur and can give rise to symptoms of glare and dazzle with lights, for example when driving at night. Some cataracts can be associated with underlying medical conditions.
Cataracts are treated by replacing the cloudy lens of your eye with a new lens. The old, cloudy lens is broken and removed using an ultrasound probe. The old lens is replaced by an artificial lens (implant), which is placed inside the eye in the same position as the old one used to be. The strength of the implant is calculated before the operation to ensure that it will suit your eye. The operation is usually carried out through a tiny cut in the eye that seals without any stitches. In fact we can also treat your astigmatism at the same time, if you wish.
Bodla Eye Care offers a choice of 2 procedures to treat Cataracts;
1. Standard phacoemulsification
The old, cloudy lens is broken and removed using an ultrasound probe. The old lens is replaced by an artificial lens (implant), which is placed inside the eye in the same position as the old one used to be. The strength of the implant is calculated before the operation to ensure that it will suit your eye. The operation is usually carried out through a tiny cut in the eye that seals without any stitches. In fact we can also treat you astigmatism at the same time, if you wish.
2. The LENSAR laser cataract surgery
We are also able to offer cataract treatment using the latest LENSAR laser system which offers the most advanced technology available (that may reduce the time it takes to remove your cataracts). The Lensar system provides your surgeon with a unique, high-resolution, 3-D image of your eye that allows your surgeon to tailor your treatment, which can improve visual outcomes. Please talk to us about the different Cataract treatment options and we will help you decide which is the best for you.